Sunday, April 21, 2013

Nepali Revolution and CPN – M: Some Unsolicited Inputs

Nepali Revolution and CPN – M: Some Unsolicited Inputs

Divash Sharma

Since its reorganization, CPN – M has been suffering from absence of clarity in several fronts – political line, organization building, tactic, strategy, etc. The leadership has been showing inconsistencies in their words and practices. It seems that its cadres are in a state of serious confusion and its sympathizers are bewildered. Now, it is high time for CPN – M leadership to clarify, at least, the following points.
1. What the party is going to do?
• re-launching protracted people’s war, or
• limiting to urban mass rebellion or entering into electoral politics and functioning as parliamentary political force, or
• talking absurd and moving to slow process of natural death
2. What type of party the leadership intends to build?
• a mass organization like Nepali Congress, or
• a cadre based reformist organization like UCPN (M) or CPN (UML), or
• a revolutionary party like the CPN (M) of yesteryear
3. What tactic the party is going to concentrate on?
• re-election of the Constituent Assembly and establishing a reformist regime, or
• launching mass movements and armed struggle in appropriate time so as to prepare ground for establishing a new democratic state, or
• simply talk all and act none, follow the road easily available
4. Is the party just reactive or proactive?
• just oppose what reactionaries or reformists do, or
• Just inform people about their rights and duties and difficulties and miseries, or
• Organize people, create hope among them, launch struggles and align all efforts to the direction of the larger cause with thoughtfully planned strategic orientation
Playing between revolution and non-revolution, between causes and effects, between one set of equilibrium and another set of deliverable could be understandable as relative and temporary phenomenon. However, strategically, these ‘play-betweens’ could result in total and irreversible decay of strengths, energy and even existence. Hence, clarity is what the CPN – M leadership needs to find out, right now. The natural next step would be to align all strengths, energy and endeavors to that course. Certainly, the factors of vital importance to ensure such alignment include identifying appropriate political, ideological and operational lines and practicing accordingly.

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