Friday, August 24, 2012

NGOs/INGOs - a Comment

The comments above by Jiwan Kumar need attention as in the case of Nepal, soft-gun (read money, foreign travel, luxuries) approach of the imperialist powers has become very successful. America used Asia Foundation and many other INGOs/NGOs to by individual political leaders of the then ML (afterwards UML) to its fold. Europeans utilized human rights agencies/interest groups such as FOFUR, INSEC, C-VICT, CWIN, RRN and like these agencies to help degenerate social activists and through them the UML leaders. Now, UML has become a social democratic party.

US and European governments utilize their resources cost effectively by mobilizing INGOs/NGOs, bilateral and multilaterals. The general trend is that use soft-gun whenever it is useful, use threat through UN and its system agencies when needed and use direct pressure/force when these soft-options do not work. Therefore, INGOs/NGOs, UN/UN system agencies, Breton woods agencies, western bilateral agencies all have become the instruments of subjugation. These are the new weapons in the arsenal of imperialism of 21st century.

UCPN (M) also falls pray of the soft-gun approach and now become their partner. Hence, CPN-M should come out with comprehensive policy towards these agencies, particularly on INGOs/NGOs. Regarding UN/Un system agencies, Breton woods institutions and bilateral agencies, they should adopt policies on case basis - neither total negation nor subjugation.

However, a meaningful debate on this issue is a very important task for them who are involved in the revolution in 21st century.

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