Friday, October 14, 2011

Prachanda Path: A Dead Idealogical Synthesis

Prachanda Path was the creation of CPN (M) as an ideological synthesis of set of ideas emerged during the practice of revolution in Nepal. It was expected that this set of ideas emerging in the form of Prachanda Path will guide the basic line in the forward march of the Nepalese Revolution. Kiran was instrumental in its formulation as his belief was that just as Marxism in Germany, Leninism in Russia, and Maoism in China so Prachanda Path is Nepal's identity of revolution. (see: And, ideologues like Basanta were the principal elaborators (Bhashyakars) and propagators (see: International Dimension of Prachanda Path by Basanta, Issue number 10, The Worker, organ of the CPN (M).

However, christened after its the then all powerful Chairman Prachanda, Prachanda Path was initially abandoned during the unity process with the CPN (Masal-Unity Center) and died its natural death when Prachanda abandoned revolution.

Now, nobody talks about Prachanda Path, neither its ‘majestic pillar’ Prachanda nor its chief architect Kiran nor one of the great Bhasyakars Basanta. Prachanda Path is found in history books only. It is not only a dead phrase, but also a dead expectation. Strange, cdebasish62 has quoted long passages from Basanta’s article. Everybody has the right to correct himself/herself. Kiran and Basanta also could do the same through the MLM process of criticism and self-criticism. Now, the revolutionary platform within the UCPN (M) has to rename the ideological synthesis of the set of ideas emerged from the practice of Nepali revolution or drop such premature initiatives entirely.

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